
Gut microbiota and its modulation: where are we?
The gut microbiota is one of the most interesting topics in medical sciences and research on the subject is constantly evolving. With the advent of culture independent techniques to characterize gut microbiota we have learned more in the last ten years than we have done over centuries, but many unanswered questions still remain. The gap between the bulk of information coming from basic research and clinical practice is now becoming narrower and it is time for the clinician to take advantage of the potential of microbiota-related diagnostic tools as well as new gut microbiota-based therapies for preventing or treating diseases At the Microbiota Revolution meeting 2024 in Rome, Italy a panel of experts will gather together to share the latest in gut microbiota research. The aim is to make this complex science easy for clinicians.

The Meeting in numbers

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Attending the online course in real time and after the event does not entitle you to receive CME credits

La informiamo che l'iscrizione all'evento si intende solo per la diretta streaming online e per fruire dei contenuti multimediali registrati post evento.
La frequenza del corso online in tempo reale e post evento non dà diritto all'acquisizione dei crediti ECM.

Meeting days
Educational hours

Scientific Director

Giovanni Barbara

Antonio Gasbarrini

Carmelo Scarpignato

Past Edition Highlights

With the unrestricted grant of Alfasigma S.p.a.